When Should You Use External Marketing Resources
When Should You Use External Marketing Resources
Your organization’s marketing message is how the public perceives you. It is what they see first and the impression they gather is often permanent.
Delivering an effective message about your organization to the public sounds simple. Tell your audience how committed you are to high quality and great service; how clever and insightful you are; how you always hire just the right talent.
The problem with the statement above is everyone says the same thing. Before you have even begun, people have stopped listening. Creating a clear, concise and accurate image of your organization requires an integrated marketing plan that executes your business strategies and achieves your goals.
An outstanding marketing plan includes a matrixed approach of messaging about your organization, products, delivery, quality and results. It must be delivered in a manner that is believable, easy to understand, focused on your key points and fits your target audience.
Marketing has a wide variety of potential executables: Websites, brochures, public speaking, article writing, newsletters, media advertising, social media, public relations, media relations and the list goes on. Metrics of the impact from them are used too infrequently and the content often becomes stale.
Using deep industry knowledge and an independent perspective we help marketing departments in the following three ways:
Clarify and articulate the organization’s message. We guide you through culling the superficial and capturing the impactful information.
Craft the marketing executables described above. We help develop an actionable, integrated plan that includes the deliverables and provides skills improvement when needed for public speaking, article writing or selling.
Create matrix that effectively captures market dynamics and performance to optimize those factors that are working while culling those that do not produce good results.
Your current marketing materials and plan may not require a full update at this time. We will help you with the components necessary and assure they are in harmony with the overall messaging.