Our Services

Building a highly successful career path, whether inside your current firm, or seeking a new position, requires focused discipline and a deep understanding of what mechanics should be used to differentiate yourself.

Our clients are typically poised to move up the management ladder and immediately benefit from the vast depth of experience our principals deliver. 

Working with our business clients, New Vistas Consulting understands the unique thought processes and skill sets necessary to help them meet their strategic goals and resolve managerial issues.

Drawing upon clear insights, deep wisdom, broad experience and the ability to be nimble, we quickly and collaboratively analyze business issues to create practical options to address internal management concerns and external revenue generation.

Based on our substantial experience developing executives and managers, principals Larry and Susan use a well-integrated approach including executive coaching, sales, management and leadership training and team building to help clients maximize their potential.

Our Services

Deep industry knowledge and wide-ranging experience allows
New Vistas Consulting to deliver powerful tools for its clients.

Our clients are typically poised to move up the management ladder and immediately benefit from the vast depth of experience our principals deliver. 

Maximize your leadership potential.